Azure Info Hub


Silent yet powerful, APIs are the unsung heroes of our digital era!  Welcome! Your presence here, fully engaged in this article, indicates an insightful understanding of the immense importance and catalytic role that APIs, or...
Whenever you run load tests on your endpoints in Azure Load Testing, there might be a situation where your endpoints require an access token. We have seen that before load testing these endpoints, most users generate an access token...
Wiesbaden, Germany added 3,000+ tech enthusiast and hosted the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub Cloud AI Pitch Competition  between May 14-16, 2024.We were pleased to attend the European Cloud and Collaboration Summits – to...
A new log “AppServiceAuthenticationLogs” is now available in Public Preview for App Service resources on Windows. This would include Web Apps, Functions, and Logic Apps. If you would like to have more visibility into your App Service...
In November 2023, Microsoft and Photonic initiated their collaborative effort to advance quantum networking and computing. Today, Photonic announced the capability to successfully transfer quantum information between two physically...


