The Azure Podcast



Date Title
7/21/2021 Episode 386 - Static Web Apps
7/29/2021 Episode 387 - Azure Arc
8/5/2021 Episode 388 - The Art of the Possible with Power Platform
8/12/2021 Episode 389 - Azure Logic Apps
8/19/2021 Episode 390 - Pronunciation Assessment
8/27/2021 Episode 391 - AI/ML for Process Automation
9/4/2021 Episode 392 - SQL Managed Instances
9/9/2021 Episode 393 - Behind the scenes
9/16/2021 Episode 394 - Quantum Update
9/23/2021 Episode 395 - SAP on Azure
10/4/2021 Episode 396 - How Vattenfall uses Azure
10/7/2021 Episode 397 - Capacity Reservation
10/16/2021 Episode 398 - Hear ye! Hear ye!
10/22/2021 Episode 399 - Chain of blocks evolution
10/27/2021 Episode 400 - A view from Azure's Core
11/5/2021 Episode 401 - Ignite 2021 Wrap-Up
11/11/2021 Episode 402 - Azure Chaos Studio
11/17/2021 Episode 403 - GitHub and Azure
12/7/2021 Episode 404 - When Windows is nowhere to be found - Making Azure better with CBL Mariner
12/14/2021 Episode 405 - Azure Active Directory's Investments in Reliability and Resilience
12/16/2021 Episode 406 - Azure Bastion
1/10/2022 Episode 407 - Container Apps
1/12/2022 Episode 408 - Azure Load Testing
1/27/2022 Episode 409 - Azure Service Connector
2/4/2022 Episode 410 - Fusion Dev
2/10/2022 Episode 411 - Event Driven Architectures on Azure
2/17/2022 Episode 412 - Azure Database for Postgres
2/26/2022 Episode 413 - Thinking Cloud Native
3/4/2022 Episode 414 - Azure DNS
3/8/2022 Episode 415 - International Women's Day Special with Kathleen Mitford
3/18/2022 Episode 416 - Azure Purview
3/23/2022 Episode 417 - App Service Diagnostics
3/31/2022 Episode 418 - Azure Marketplace
4/7/2022 Episode 419 - Azure Front Door
4/14/2022 Episode 420 - Infrastructure as Code
4/21/2022 Episode 421 - Project Flash
4/28/2022 Episode 422 - Open Service Mesh
5/7/2022 Episode 423 - Azure Cache for Redis
5/16/2022 Episode 424 - Landing Zone Accelerator for API Management
5/30/2022 Episode 425 - BUILD 2022 Updates
6/8/2022 Episode 426 - Defender for the Cloud
6/20/2022 Episode 427 - Software for Open Networking in the Cloud
6/25/2022 Episode 428 - Java and Spring Apps
6/30/2022 Episode 429 - Azure Native Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Solutions
7/7/2022 Episode 430 - Multi-tenant Architectures
7/14/2022 Episode 431 - Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
7/28/2022 Episode 432 - App Config Service
8/4/2022 Episode 433 - Azure Relay Service
8/11/2022 Episode 434 - Azure Traffic Manager
8/20/2022 Episode 435 - HPC on Azure
8/28/2022 Episode 436 - App Services on Kestrel
9/6/2022 Episode 437 - Azure CXP CRE Low Code Automation
9/14/2022 Episode 438 - Azure NAT Gateway
9/25/2022 Episode 439 - APIM Self Hosted Gateway
9/29/2022 Episode 440 - Azure and SAP - Better Together!
10/12/2022 Episode 441 - Databricks Accelerator for Azure Purview
10/18/2022 Episode 442 - Azure IP Services
10/24/2022 Episode 443 - 5G Modern Connected Apps
10/31/2022 Episode 444 - Azure Innovations
11/3/2022 Episode 445 - SAP for Azure Landing Zone Accelerator
11/13/2022 Episode 446 - Security & L7 DDoS protection @ Edge, DNS Security, and Private DNS
11/16/2022 Episode 447 - DDOS Protection on Azure
12/1/2022 Episode 448 - Azure and OSS
12/9/2022 Episode 449 - Java Jakarta EE Applications
12/20/2022 Episode 450 - Twitter Live Spaces Discussion
1/13/2023 Episode 451 - Landing Zones
1/26/2023 Episode 452 - Streamlining DevOps with Bicep
2/7/2023 Episode 453 - In the Real World - How Azure Networking Support uses Azure to support Azure customers
2/22/2023 Episode 454 - Sustainability and Azure
3/20/2023 Episode 455 - Azure ML in the real world
3/25/2023 Episode 456 - Azure Programmable Connectivity
4/24/2023 Episode 457 - Data API Builder
4/28/2023 Episode 458 - Integration Patterns
5/9/2023 Episode 459 - AIOps
5/20/2023 Episode 460 - Alert Heart
5/23/2023 Episode 461 - Azure ML with NVIDIA AI Acceleration
5/25/2023 Episode 462 - AKS LTS
6/5/2023 Episode 463 - OneStream's journey to Azure
6/8/2023 Episode 464 - Azure Deployment Environments
6/28/2023 Episode 465 - Functions on Azure Container Apps
7/7/2023 Episode 466 - Open AI
7/14/2023 Episode 467 - OneStream's plans for becoming more cloud native on Azure
7/28/2023 Episode 468 - WordPress on Azure App Service
8/11/2023 Episode 469 - Microsoft Fabric
8/23/2023 Episode 470 - News Roundup
8/30/2023 Episode 471 - AI Trends in Financial Services
9/7/2023 Episode 472 - Azure Vector Search Unveiled
9/19/2023 Episode 473 - Azure Arc
10/2/2023 Episode 474 - Azure Chaos Studio
10/9/2023 Episode 475 - Diagrid on AKS
10/20/2023 Episode 476 - Azure HDInsight on AKS
11/2/2023 Episode 477 - Azure cloud within a cloud
11/10/2023 Episode 478 - The Azure Help API
11/16/2023 Episode 479 - Radius.- radapp.IO
12/1/2023 Episode 480 - Ignite 2023 Updates
12/18/2023 Episode 481 - AKS Fleet Manager
12/21/2023 Episode 482 - Network Watcher
1/10/2024 Episode 483 - Azure VMware Solution Landing Zone Accelerator
1/15/2024 Episode 484 - Production LiveSite Review
2/9/2024 Episode 485 - Copilot for Azure
2/14/2024 Episode 486 - Azure Savings Plans
2/27/2024 Episode 487 - Tales from the field with Azure Key Vault
3/1/2024 Episode 488- Express Route Monitoring
3/6/2024 Episode 489 - Storage Revisited
3/26/2024 Episode 490 - Azure API Center
4/9/2024 Episode 491 - Azure Retirement Workbook
4/19/2024 Episode 492 - April News Roundup