
Detect, identify, analyze, organize, and tag faces in photos.


#AI102 - Detect, analyze, recognize faces
4/10/2024, Microsoft Reactor
In this session, participants will dive into the realm of facial detection, analysis, and recognition using Azure Computer Vision services. As a fundamental aspect of artificial intelligence, the...
Valentine's special: A Power Platform Love Story
1/31/2023, Microsoft Reactor
What is the session about? What if the power platform could help locate your perfect match? We’ll go through the creation of how we’ve utilised different power platform components to identify...
How to identify faces with the Azure Face service
6/1/2022, Microsoft Azure
In this edition of Azure Tips and Tricks, learn how to identify faces with the Azure Face service. For more tips and tricks, visit: https://aka.ms/azuretipsandtricks Get started with 12 months...