Custom Vision

Easily customize your own state-of-the-art computer vision models for your unique use case.


#174 - The one with Extending SAP Digital Manufacturing with Azure (Martin Raepple, Bastian Ulke) |
1/13/2024, SAP on Azure
Welcome to 2024! In episode 174 of our SAP on Azure video podcast we talk about extending SAP Digital Manufacturing with Azure. Martin Raepple and Bastian Ulke join us to demo a visual inspection...
Introducción a IA con Custom Vision
5/8/2023, Microsoft Reactor
**Acerca de esta sesión:** Aprende sobre Machine Learning y como crear tu propio modelo en Custom Vision. **¿A quién va dirigido?** Al publico en general que este interesado en aprender...
Computer Vision with Azure Custom Vision
3/17/2023, Microsoft Reactor
This session is part of Game of Learners Clinics for AI and ML Series, learn more and register for the events here: [Game of Learners Clinics for AI and ML...
Computer vision fundamentals for startups | #TechEspresso
3/7/2023, Microsoft Reactor
Computer vision is an artificial intelligence (AI) area in which software systems are designed to perceive the world visually through cameras, images, and video. Multiple specific types of...
AI a su servicio: Clasificación de imágenes con Azure Custom Vision
3/1/2023, Microsoft Reactor
**Acerca de la serie: Carrera y tecnología: AI** Únase a nosotros para esta serie de 4 partes a medida que profundizamos en las opciones de carrera y el conocimiento técnico necesarios para una...
5 Levels of AI in Microsoft Azure
10/27/2022, Microsoft Reactor
What is this session about? Microsoft Azure offers a number of services that can be leveraged in applications to add intelligence and analysis of text, images, video and documents. These services...
Intro to Computer Vision - Custom Vision Service Face Service
8/3/2022, Microsoft Reactor
Game of Learners Clinics for ML (Machine learning) and AI (Artificial intelligence) is a 5-week Skilling initiative to level up in Artificial Intelligence on Azure. You will learn how to build...
JulyOT2 Azure IoT Edge and Machine Learning 🧠 with Raspberry Pi and reTerminal
7/27/2022, Microsoft Reactor
Welcome to JulyOT 😀 00:00 - Reactor Code of Conduct 02:10 - Introduction 03:40 - Session Topics 04:30 - Seedstudio ReTerminal 08:48 - JulyOT, please visit 11:26 - Azure IoT...
Cree un modelo de Machine Learning con Azure Custom Vision
6/29/2022, Microsoft Reactor
Azure Custom Vision permite crear modelos que pueden clasificar y detectar elementos en imágenes. Podemos utilizar esto para detectar una raza de perro, si alguien está usando un casco o la...
Build a diabetic retinopathy detector with Custom Vision and PowerApps
5/27/2022, Microsoft Reactor
Diabetic retinopathy is a diabetes complication that affects eyes, which might cause no symptoms or only mild vision problems at first. But it can lead to blindness. Careful management of...
Using Azure Cognitive Services to create more accessible experiences | Azure Friday
4/8/2022, Microsoft Azure
Henk Boelman joins Scott Hanselman to discuss how AI can help to create more accessible experiences with Azure Machine Learning, Azure Cognitive Services, and Azure Media Services. They will look...