Storage Accounts

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4/15/2024, Azure PaaS Blog
Background This article describes how to migrate all Azure Storage Queues data between two different storage accounts.   For this, we will use Azure Storage SDK for Python to copy all queues (and the respective data) from one Azure Storage Queue to another Azure Storage Queue. This approach will keep the data in the source queues, and will create new queues with the respective data in the destination Azure Storage Queue.   This script was developed and tested using the following versions but it is expected to work with previous versions: Python 3.11.7 azure-identity (version:...
4/15/2024, Azure PaaS Blog
Background This article describes how to copy all Azure Storage Queues data between two different storage accounts.   For this, we will use Azure Storage SDK for Python to copy all queues (and the respective data) from one Azure Storage Queue to another Azure Storage Queue. This approach will keep the data in the source queues, and will create new queues with the respective data in the destination Azure Storage Queue.   This script was developed and tested using the following versions but it is expected to work with previous versions: Python 3.11.7 azure-identity (version:...
9/14/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
In Storage Account, you can set diagnostic log to EventHub. However, did you ever wonder if you could have a centralized EventHub to take care of these logs? Instead of having multiple EventHubs across each Subscription within the same Management Group? In this article, it will explain to you how to centralize your EventHub.   I. What is the required Permission configuration? Before reading through this article, be sure to have multiple subscriptions. As this will not explain the steps to add subscriptions to your Management Group. This article is based on the fact that you already have...