Azure Daily News for Thursday, Apr 11 2024

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  • Azure OpenAI and Call Center Modernization
      Background  Much has been written about the powerful use cases enabled by Azure OpenAI. One such example is the transformation of the modern call center as their operators evaluate the potential of using artificial intelligence and natural language processing to optimize their processes and improve customer interactions. Call centers face challenges of high call volumes, long wait times,...
    Source: Azure Architecture Blog
  • Secure GraphQL APIs with JSON Web Token validation and Authorization rules in Azure API Management
    GraphQL offers a wide array of advantages, such as reduced over-fetching of data and understandable description of the data in your API and makes it easier to evolve APIs over time. However, it also brings along its own set of challenges, particularly in security.    One of the security concerns with GraphQL is introspection, which allows clients to query the schema to discover available...
    Source: Integrations on Azure Blog
  • Hostfile entry on Windows and Linux machine
    The hosts file, commonly known as etc\hosts, functions as a text-based tool employed by operating systems like Windows and Linux, to establish associations between IP addresses and host names or domain names. Serving as a localized DNS service, it supersedes mappings provided by external DNS servers, enhancing efficiency in local domain resolution. Its location varies according to the...
    Source: Apps on Azure Blog
  • Creating Tests with GitHub Copilot for Visual Studio
    One of the recurring jokes in our industry is that developers are not very good at two things when coding: Documenting code, and creating unit tests. These are two areas where GitHub Copilot can help! Let's see how in the new short video that I just published.     The slash commands, "magic spells" for Visual Studio In previous videos, we talked about the availability of "Slash commands" in...
    Source: Azure Developer Community Blog

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Azure Daily News for Thursday, Apr 11 2024