Azure Daily News for Wednesday, Sep 20 2023

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General News

  • Now Generally Available: GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is ready for you to use
    We’re excited to announce that GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now generally available and is ready for you to use in your own Azure DevOps repos! You can now enable code, secret, and dependency scanning within Azure Repos and take advantage of the new product updates. The post Now Generally Available: GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is ready for you to use appeared...
    Source: Azure DevOps Blog
  • Demystifying Azure OpenAI Networking for Secure Chatbot Deployment
    Introduction Azure AI Landing Zones provide a solid foundation for deploying advanced AI technologies like OpenAI's GPT-4 models. These environments are designed to support AI enthusiasts, but it's essential to grasp their networking aspects, especially concerning Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings.   In this article, we'll dive into the networking details of OpenAI Landing Zones,...
    Source: Azure Architecture Blog
  • Example Reference Network Topologies for API Management in private mode.
        The following suggested Network example topologies are thought to follow Vnet integration practices within the API management. Therefore, these revolve around API management in internal mode (Azure API Management with an Azure virtual network | Microsoft Learn). API Management in internal mode requires a Premium SKU or Development (not recommended for production). Please estimate API...
    Source: Azure Architecture Blog
  • Init Containers in Azure Container Apps : Database Initialization
    Suppose you're deploying a web application that relies on a database. Instead of manually configuring the database each time you deploy your application, you can use an Init Container to handle this task. The Init Container can run scripts to create tables, seed initial data, or set up the database schema. Once the database is ready, the main application container can safely start, knowing...
    Source: Apps on Azure Blog

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Azure Daily News for Wednesday, Sep 20 2023