Azure Power Lunch YouTube Channel



Date Title
11/5/2021 Latest Azure Updates from Microsoft Ignite November 2021
11/17/2021 Azure Synapse Data Explorer (Preview)
12/3/2021 Azure Container Apps (Preview)
12/13/2021 Virtual Network Manager (Preview)
12/22/2021 Windows365 – CloudPC
1/14/2022 Azure Communication Services Updates
1/24/2022 Azure Load Testing Preview
1/31/2022 Azure Media Services
2/4/2022 Workload identity federation (preview)
2/11/2022 Azure Storage Updates: SFTP Preview and more
2/23/2022 Azure Cognitive Search
2/28/2022 Azure Container Instances
3/9/2022 App Service Environment v3 - Updates
3/24/2022 Securing Public Web Apps using Azure web traffic load balancer services
3/25/2022 Azure API Management Updates
4/5/2022 Effectively troubleshoot your Azure Functions
4/9/2022 Azure Batch Service
4/19/2022 Azure NetApp Files
4/23/2022 Azure Data Explorer Updates
4/30/2022 Azure App Service Updates
5/10/2022 Latest updates in Azure Virtual Desktop
5/16/2022 How to Publish Offers to Azure Marketplace
5/23/2022 Azure DNS Private Resolver (Public Preview)
6/2/2022 Latest updates and Innovations in Windows 365 - CloudPC
6/8/2022 Azure Cognitive Services Translator
6/11/2022 BC/DR planning for your Managed Kubernetes (AKS) Applications
6/19/2022 Extend Power Platform with Custom Connectors
6/27/2022 Optimize costs for Managed Kubernetes (AKS) Applications
7/5/2022 Application Gateway Private Link (preview)
7/22/2022 GraphQL support in API Management (Preview)
8/1/2022 Running Electronic Design Automation (EDA) works on Azure HPC
8/2/2022 IoT Hub support for virtual networks
8/9/2022 Azure Kubernetes Service cluster with API Server VNet Integration (Preview)
8/12/2022 Azure Compute Gallery
8/19/2022 Microsoft Dev Box (Preview)
9/2/2022 No code editor for stream processing using Azure Stream Analytics (Preview)
9/13/2022 Microsoft Purview: An Overview and Walkthrough of Common Use cases
9/20/2022 Microsoft Purview: An Overview and Walkthrough of Common Use cases - Part 2
9/23/2022 Azure Functions: Lesson learned from implementations in large enterprises
9/30/2022 gRPC support on Azure App Service (Preview)
10/12/2022 Azure Form Recognizer – Overview and Walkthrough
10/17/2022 Microsoft Ignite 2022 Recap
10/25/2022 Azure AD workload identity on AKS (Preview)
11/1/2022 What's new in Azure Virtual Desktop - Q3 CY'22
11/7/2022 Azure Automated Machine Learning Overview and Walkthrough
11/11/2022 DevOps with Azure Form Recognizer
12/2/2022 Win365 (CloudPC) updates from Microsoft Ignite
12/12/2022 Azure CNI Overlay networking in AKS (Preview)
12/16/2022 Microsoft Purview: Azure Storage In-Place Data Sharing
1/20/2023 Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr)
1/27/2023 Monitor Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) with Prometheus, Grafana and Container Insights
2/6/2023 Azure Batch with Private Network Access
2/10/2023 Azure Container App Updates
2/21/2023 Running Custom Containers in Azure App Service and Function Apps
2/24/2023 Azure Developer CLI (azd) Preview
3/6/2023 Exploring Azure OpenAI Service: Overview, Use Cases, and Q&A
3/10/2023 Azure App Configuration Updates
3/20/2023 Azure OpenAI Service - Security, Governance, Use Cases, and Code Walkthroughs
4/3/2023 Confidential Computing on Azure
4/11/2023 Azure Cognitive Search - Prebuilt and Custom Skillsets
4/19/2023 Azure Cognitive Search - Prebuilt and Custom Skillsets (Part 2)
5/3/2023 Private Application Gateway (Preview)
5/5/2023 Azure Spring Apps
5/13/2023 Service Principal and Managed Identity support on Azure DevOps (Preview)
5/30/2023 Automatic scaling in Azure App Service (Preview)
5/30/2023 Protect APIs in API Management using Azure Active Directory
6/2/2023 Azure Logic Apps' New Data Mapper (Preview)
6/12/2023 Azure Container Instances Updates
6/16/2023 How to access SQL data from an App Service as a signed-in user?
6/23/2023 GraphQL support in API Management (Latest Updates)
6/30/2023 Azure Cache for Redis trigger for Azure Functions (Public Preview)
8/7/2023 Introduction to Azure Machine Learning Prompt Flow
8/14/2023 Azure Application Gateway for Containers (Preview)
8/18/2023 Introduction to Azure Machine Learning Prompt Flow - Part 2
8/25/2023 Azure API Center (preview)
9/5/2023 How to optimize your Azure costs?
9/8/2023 Azure Linux Container Host for AKS
9/18/2023 Modernize your security operations center (SOC) with Microsoft Sentinel
9/27/2023 Microsoft Purview - Custom SQL Server Stored Procedure Lineage Using PyApacheAtlas and Azure OpenAI
10/3/2023 Web PubSub support for Socket.IO (Public Preview)
10/10/2023 Azure Elastic SAN (Preview)
10/16/2023 Azure API Management Basic v2 and Standard v2 Tiers (Public Preview)
10/24/2023 Azure Site Recovery Updates
10/30/2023 Azure Logic App Updates
11/6/2023 Azure Static Web App Updates
11/16/2023 Azure Container Storage (Preview)
11/29/2023 Azure API Management - Developer Portal
12/6/2023 Invoking Azure DevOps REST APIs with Service Principal and Managed Identities
12/11/2023 Azure Infra. Updates (VM Hibernate, Private Subnet) from Ignite 2023
12/18/2023 Azure SQL trigger for Functions
1/23/2024 Azure SQL Managed Instance - Latest Updates
2/1/2024 Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager
2/8/2024 DevOps deployment for Azure Logic Apps (Standard)
2/14/2024 Overview of Azure App Service Authentication Solutions
2/16/2024 VNet flow logs (preview)
2/26/2024 Azure Storage Actions (preview)
3/7/2024 Azure API Management Self-hosted gateway v2
3/8/2024 Azure Application Gateway's support for TLS and TCP protocols (Preview)
3/17/2024 Microsoft Entra ID for customers (Preview)
3/25/2024 Managed Kubernetes (AKS) - Latest Updates
4/2/2024 Azure Integration Environments (Preview)
4/5/2024 Retina, a Kubernetes Network Observability platform