.NET is an open source developer platform, created by Microsoft, for building many different types of applications.


On .NET Live: Cross-platform with Uno Platform and .NET Open Source
5/7/2024, dotNET
One of the best features of .NET is its cross-platform compatibility. In this week's episode, community MVP Jérôme Laban shows us Uno Platform, an open-source platform for building single...
Deep Dive into RegEx with Stephen Toub
5/6/2024, dotNET
Scott and Stephen are back with another deep dive into C# and .NET features. This time is RegEx, everyone's favorite powerful magical strings that you can never figure out how to exactly get...
Languages & Runtime Community Standup: Update on System.CommandLine
5/3/2024, dotNET
System.CommandLine drives the .NET CLI and many .NET Tools and CLI applications, but it's still in preview. Hear about our challenges, and the new direction we're taking to build a platform that...
Get Started with .NET and AI using dotnet/ai-samples QuickStarts
5/3/2024, dotNET
Learn quickly how to use AI with-in your .NET application with Azure Open AI SDK or Semantic Kernel (#SK) with these quickstart samples. In this video, Frank shows how to get started with the...
.NET MAUI Community Standup: #XamarinGaveMe and Rachel guest visit!
5/3/2024, dotNET
Join Maddy, David, and Rachel from the MAUI team to talk about the end of Xamarin support, what's going on with MAUI in May, and Rachel's critique of Dave's latest sample app! Links:...
.NET AI Community Standup: What’s New in .NET AI-Samples
5/2/2024, dotNET
We’re happy to showcase the latest enhancements to the “AI-SAMPLES” GitHub repository, featuring the new support for Open Source Large Language Models like Phi-3 and Llama 3. Additionally, we’ll...
How deep is the Azure Functions integration with ASP.NET Core?
5/2/2024, dotNET
How well are Azure Functions integrated with #ASPNET ? Fabio Cavalcante explains the current status, and where they are going. More info: https://msft.it/6051YuHgH #ASPNetCore #AzureFunctions
Azure OpenAI for the ASP.NET Core developer
5/2/2024, Microsoft Reactor
Very few advancements in technology have been so disruptive like Open AI's Chat GPT: thanks to its capability of handling unstructured data, and the ease of customization of its behaviour, we can...
Learn C# with CSharpFritz - PWA and Publishing with Blazor
5/1/2024, dotNET
Fritz wraps up the series on Blazor with .NET 8 by enabling the pizza website as a progressive web app (PWA) and publishes it to Microsoft Azure Community Links:...
What are your top 3 .NET 8 MAUI features?
5/1/2024, dotNET
What's new in #dotNETMAUI for .NET 8? Lots! And Maddy Montaquila shares her favorites with us. Learn all about the new features here: https://msft.it/6051YOxkU #dotNET #OneDevQuestion
On .NET Live - What's New in AI and ML.NET
4/30/2024, dotNET
Are you using AI and machine learning in your .NET app? In this week's episode, Dr. Deb Bharadwaj from Intel joins us to give us a tour of the latest in AI and ML.NET! Featuring: Deb Bharadwaj...
Code Analyze your SQL scripts in Visual Studio and elsewhere | Data Exposed: MVP Edition
4/30/2024, Microsoft Developer
Maybe you already take advantage of the C# code analyzers built into the .NET SDK, that help you improve code consistency, quality, security and avoid common mistakes and potential bugs. But did...