Azure Database for MySQL

Fully managed, scalable MySQL Database.


Learning Paths

Work with MySQL Databases on Azure
Published: 10/12/2022, Length: 2:57:00

Learning Modules

Deploy a Java EE (Jakarta EE) application to Azure
Published: 5/25/2023, Length: 0:47:00
Deploy a Java EE (Jakarta EE) application to JBoss EAP on Azure App Service and bind it to Azure Database for MySQL.
Develop applications with Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server
Published: 5/23/2023, Length: 0:42:00
Learn to create applications that connect to and query Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server. Develop and deploy applications faster by integrating with Azure App Service, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure DevOps or GitHub.
Deploy a Spring Boot app to Azure App Service
Published: 5/17/2023, Length: 0:30:00
Create a Spring Boot application, connect it to a MySQL database, and then deploy to Azure App Service.
Create your first Azure Database for MySQL flexible server
Published: 5/17/2023, Length: 0:48:00
Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL is an Azure managed data service. It considerably simplifies database deployment, management, and maintenance, while providing compatibility with existing MySQL database workloads.
Understand concurrency in MySQL
Published: 5/17/2023, Length: 0:38:00
Learn about concurrency in MySQL, including how to limit the number of connections, and when to use thread pools.
Explore MySQL Architecture
Published: 5/17/2023, Length: 0:32:00
Explore the component parts of MySQL, and learn how to find your way around Azure Database for MySQL.
Migrate on-premises MySQL databases to Azure Database for MySQL
Published: 11/9/2022, Length: 1:02:00
Migrate on-premises MySQL databases to Azure Database for MySQL
Secure MySQL
Published: 11/8/2022, Length: 0:38:00
Learn about Azure Database for MySQL security, encryption in Azure Database for MySQL, and how to configure Azure AD authentication.
Understand client-server communication in MySQL
Published: 11/8/2022, Length: 0:31:00
Learn about connection handling in MySQL, back up and restore, and the client interrace options available for MySQL.
Understand the MySQL storage engine
Published: 11/8/2022, Length: 0:38:00
Learn about MySQL’s pluggable storage engine model, and learn about common storage engines, and those supported by Azure Database for MySQL.
Introduction to Azure Database for MySQL
Published: 10/14/2022, Length: 0:38:00
Describe how Azure Database for MySQL supports mission-critical workloads with predictable performance and dynamic scalability. Determine whether you should implement Azure Database for MySQL to address your relational database needs.
Secure MySQL database and Key Vault using a private endpoint
Published: 9/14/2022, Length: 0:36:00
Secure MySQL database and Key Vault using a private endpoint