Load Balancer

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12/27/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
The previous article explained how user could configure and limit the access to Cloud Service Extended Support (CSES) only from specific Virtual Network(s) by using internal Load Balancer feature. But for some scenarios, user does not really want to fully block the traffic from public Internet, but just wants to make the CSES safer. In this scenario, adding an Azure Application Gateway in front of CSES will be a good idea. It can provide following benefits: From public Internet, the traffic is only able to reach CSES through Application Gateway From Virtual Network, the traffic is not...
1/29/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Background Information   To prevent unauthorized access to a Service Fabric cluster, you must secure the cluster. Security is especially important when the cluster runs production workloads. This article describes how to configure node-to-node and client-to-node security by using Windows security, where gMSA is the preferred security model.   A standalone Managed Service Account (sMSA) is a managed domain account that provides automatic password management, simplified service principal name (SPN) management and the ability to delegate the management to other administrators. The group...