Linux Virtual Machines

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4/10/2024, Azure PaaS Blog
BlobFuse2 is a virtual file system driver available for Azure Blob Storage which helps accessing the containers/blobs on the Linux file system as a virtual file system. At present, we have Blobfuse2, which is great improvement over blobfuse1 and is generally available for all major Linux distributions.     In this article, we will talk about various common troubleshooting scenarios that are seen while using blobfuse2.     We assume that you have mounted blobfuse2 on your Linux VM. For blobfuse2 installation and mount process, you can refer to the below links:...
2/26/2024, Azure PaaS Blog
In this blog post, we will investigate the impacts of disabling public network access in the storage account and learn how to establish connections to an Azure Data Lake Storage account from both IaaS (Virtual Machine) and PaaS services (Azure Data Factory), when public network access is disabled. Additionally, we will address common troubleshooting issues that may arise due to this configuration.   Introduction Azure storage accounts provide a scalable and secure way to store and access data in the cloud. This model enables you to control the level of access to your storage accounts that...
11/23/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Azure Storage supports for Secure File Transfer (SFTP) protocol in Azure Storage Account. We can use a SFTP client to securely connect to the Blob Storage endpoint of your Azure Storage account, and then perform upload and download operations over the account. Please note that SFTP feature support is only available for hierarchical namespace (ADLS Gen2) enabled accounts. In this article, we will discuss about how to troubleshoot and isolate connectivity issues to SFTP storage account from your machine to understand whether this is due to port blockage, firewall issues, connectivity using...
11/13/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
  Overview StackExchange.Redis is a high performance general purpose redis client for .NET languages (C#, etc.), and is designed for Windows / .NET SDK environments.On other hand, it is possible now install .NET SDK and run PowerShell commands on Linux environments.This article describes how to install and link all together to have a Linux environment to run some commands and connect to any Redis service using StackExchange.Redis client library.This can be used for test proposes, and there are no support to run this on production.Try and test this at your own risk and responsibility. This...
9/15/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
The current Service Fabric clusters are currently equipped with the MicrosoftMonitoringAgent (MMA) as the default installation. However, it is essential to note that MMA will be deprecated in August 2024, for more details refer- We're retiring the Log Analytics agent in Azure Monitor on 31 August 2024 | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure. Therefore, if you are currently utilizing MMA, it is imperative to initiate the migration process to AzureMonitoringAgent (AMA).   Installation and Linking of AzureMonitoringAgent to a Log Analytics Workspace: Create a Log Analytics Workspace (if not...
5/15/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Sometimes, user will need to send out REST API request to manage their resources in Azure platform, for example, when the REST API is upgraded but corresponding PowerShell module or User Interface are not upgraded yet. In this blog, it will contain three main parts: Common points of both ways to send request Send request manually with User Interface such as Postman Send request manually with command line, such as PowerShell in Windows and Curl in Linux   Common points of both ways to send request: No matter user wants to send request by which way, the next three points are always the...
4/19/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
With the evolution of Azure Cache for Redis enterprise and the growing number of Redis Enterprise cache users let us look at few steps to troubleshoot if you are stuck in connecting to Azure cache for Redis. Few thumb rule for Enterprise Cache are below. Are you connecting to the right port. Enterprise cache uses port 10000, not 63xx like basic, standard, Premium? Are Enterprise cache instance configured to require TLS or non-TLS? It only supports one of them at a time. Are the client configured to use the TLS or non-TLS setting correctly? (Client must be configured the same as with...
3/10/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Sometimes, users will need to install some necessary software/packages in the environment before the task is executed. This can be easily done by using Start task feature of Azure Batch.   But when there are many dependencies to be installed, for example 20 packages in Linux and the installation of some of them will take long time such as Tensorflow, it will cause additional problems such as long start task running time when Azure Batch starts Batch node every time or even possible timeout issue or start task failure issue.   In order to avoid this issue, user has two options: Custom...
1/12/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Service Fabric Explorer (SFX) is an open-source tool for inspecting and managing Azure Service Fabric clusters. Service Fabric Explorer is a desktop application for Windows, macOS and Linux. To launch SFX in a web browser, browse to the cluster's HTTP management endpoint from any browser - for example https://clusterFQDN:19080. Service Fabric explorer may not load for numerous reasons. Most frequent reasons could be access denied while trying to access or unable to choose the right certificate. Following steps provide some useful insights on investigation steps and mitigations to be...