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8/19/2024, Azure PaaS Blog
The article discusses a problem where numerous messages end up in the dead letter queue (DLQ) when the JMS service bus consumer consumes message from the Azure Service Bus queues or topic/subscriptions. The reason for the messages being dead-lettered is that they have reached the maximum delivery count.   The root cause stems from message prefetching. Prefetch is enabled by the Qpid lib by default. When it is turned on, Qpid utilizes a local buffer to prefetch messages from the Azure Service Bus, storing them prior to delivery to the consumer. The issue occurs when Qpid prefetches an...
4/26/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
In this blog post, I will elaborate on some troubleshooting steps in Azure storage static websites. Azure storage static websites are a feature that allows you to host static content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files) directly from a storage container named $web. This is a great option for scenarios where you don't need a web server to render content, but you still want to leverage Azure services such as Functions, App Service, or CDN.   However, sometimes you may encounter some issues when setting up or deploying your static website. Here are some common problems and how to solve...
3/30/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Scenario: Calls to Service Bus and Event Hub failing with Server Error \ Internal Server Error \ HTTP Error 500 Errors.   Issue Description: SB\EH API calls by the client application (usually sender or consumer) fails with Internal Server Error. The corresponding exception messages are something like this – “The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error”. The exception type and exception messages may vary somewhat based on the programming language of the SDK, SDK version, Wrappers, etc. There are a lot of frequently asked questions related to the Server Error and I...
1/12/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Symptoms:      Uploading files using Java SDK class DataLakeFileClient fails to initiate the ADF trigger.    Uploading files using Azure Portal initiates the trigger as expected.    ADF trigger is configured to ignore empty blobs.    Analysis:    Whenever a file is created using ADLS Gen2 REST API, there are 3 operations called at the backend i.e. CreateFile, AppendFile and FlushFile. Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated event is triggered when a blob is created or replaced. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the CreateFile and FlushWithClose operations that are available...
11/17/2022, Manual
In this ebook, we’ll examine how Azure delivers on this commitment, letting Java developers continue working the same way they do today—and continue using the tools and software of their choice—while leveraging the power of managed services in the cloud.
11/17/2022, Manual
In this paper, we’ll look at: A historical look at the ways in which Microsoft has adopted Java over the years, the recent history of Microsoft’s investments in Java, what we’re doing today to help Java developers succeed, and how various groups within Microsoft are using Java internally.
11/17/2022, Manual
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