
Studio grade encoding at cloud scale.

Web Resources

8/18/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Ensuring adequate access control is of utmost importance for effectively safeguarding your Azure Storage assets. The Access Control Lists (ACLs) of your Azure Storage Account assume a pivotal role in establishing permissions for both containers and blobs situated within the storage account. The inheritance of ACLs is already in place for newly generated child items beneath a parent directory. However, it's noteworthy that now you also have the capability to set, update, or remove ACLs recursively for the pre-existing child items of a parent directory, thereby eliminating the need to...
2/28/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Background: There would be scenarios where Customers would require to find the Storage Account capacity with segregation of soft delete, Version, snapshot and Active data.   Calculate the size of a Blob storage Blob Inventory:  The Azure Storage blob inventory feature provides an overview of your containers, blobs, snapshots, and blob versions within a storage account. Use the inventory report to understand various attributes of blobs and containers such as your total data size, age, encryption status, immutability policy, and legal hold and so on. The report provides an overview of your...