AI and machine learning

AI and machine learning

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7/31/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Background Information   While the our work environments became more and more complex, the need of automation is a fact. Therefore ,I made a demo on how you can automate various administrative tasks performed on a Service Fabric Cluster using the sfctl module and trigger them via Azure Function. On Function, we deploy a Docker Container that has all the necessary tools and permissions to access SF Cluster. The Azure Service Fabric command-line interface (CLI) is a command-line utility for interacting with and managing Service Fabric entities, like cluster, applications and services....
3/30/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Scenario: Calls to Service Bus and Event Hub failing with Server Error \ Internal Server Error \ HTTP Error 500 Errors.   Issue Description: SB\EH API calls by the client application (usually sender or consumer) fails with Internal Server Error. The corresponding exception messages are something like this – “The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error”. The exception type and exception messages may vary somewhat based on the programming language of the SDK, SDK version, Wrappers, etc. There are a lot of frequently asked questions related to the Server Error and I...
1/29/2023, Azure PaaS Blog
Background Information   To prevent unauthorized access to a Service Fabric cluster, you must secure the cluster. Security is especially important when the cluster runs production workloads. This article describes how to configure node-to-node and client-to-node security by using Windows security, where gMSA is the preferred security model.   A standalone Managed Service Account (sMSA) is a managed domain account that provides automatic password management, simplified service principal name (SPN) management and the ability to delegate the management to other administrators. The group...
11/17/2022, Azure PaaS Blog
This validate-content policy is very helpful while we need to validate the size or content of a request or response body against one or more supported schemas. In this blog, I would like to introduce how to use different Elements and Attributes in validate-content policy to implement multiple requirements of request payload based on JSON schema validation.   We will cover two sections below mostly: Using API level schema definition to restrict request payload Using Service level schema definition to restrict request payload Section1: Using API level schema definition to restrict request...
11/10/2022, Azure PaaS Blog
Scenario: You have created a Search Service and you want to import your data from the Storage account which is behind a firewall.   There are certain times when you need to update your Indexer for additional properties for a particular search service. So, while trying to update the Indexer, you navigate to “Add Indexer” option and then under Settings tab, you update the required properties.   While updating the Indexer, suddenly you encounter that it failed with the below error message. Failed to update indexer ‘xxxxxx-indexer', error: 'Error with data source: Credentials provided in the...