Azure Support Engineer for Connectivity Specialty

Network Engineer
Support Engineer
Azure Backup
Azure Bastion
Azure Content Delivery Network
Azure ExpressRoute
Azure Load Balancer
Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Windows Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual WAN

Networking is essential, particularly when you have cloud-based assets. This learning path covers the different connectivity issues that a network engineer will typically encounter, and the troubleshooting steps to resolve these issues.


  • Demonstrate an understanding of the OSI model
  • Demonstrate an understanding of Azure CLI
  • Demonstrate an understanding of PowerShell
  • Know how to run Cloud Shell to run commands

Modules in this learning path

Businesses rely on data and if systems fail, data backups must be reliable so that data can be recovered. This module covers some of the issues you may encounter when troubleshooting Azure backup and recovery.

Name resolution is the process of matching the name of a computer to its network address. This module looks at name resolution issues for public networks, private networks, and internal networks that connect to Azure.

Troubleshooting cloud and hybrid connectivity includes Microsoft ExpressRoute, Azure virtual networks, and Azure Virtual WAN. This module enables you to manage and troubleshoot different network configurations to support your organization’s needs.

To benefit from Azure PaaS services, you must be able to troubleshoot connectivity issues quickly and effectively both from an on-premises user to an Azure PaaS service and between PaaS services.

Microsoft Azure has a sophisticated authentication and access control system to provide high security. Microsoft Entra authentication includes Self-service password reset, multifactor authentication, hybrid integration, and passwordless authentication.

Troubleshoot network issues revolving around WAF, NSG, Azure Firewall, latency within a virtual network.

Troubleshoot network issues revolving around routing and traffic control and load- balancing.

Troubleshoot deployment, connectivity, and authorization issues with Azure Bastion and just in time access to Virtual Machines.

Network configuration and the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) is integral to the success of collaborative working. In this module, we look at how to monitor and troubleshoot site-to-site and point-to-site VPNs.