

Azure Spring Apps makes it easy to deploy Spring Boot applications to Azure without any code changes. The service manages the infrastructure of Spring Apps applications so developers can focus on their code. Azure Spring Apps provides lifecycle management using comprehensive monitoring and diagnostics, configuration management, service discovery, and blue-green deployments.

Deploying applications to Azure Spring Apps allows you to:

  • Efficiently migrate existing Spring apps and manage cloud scaling and costs.
  • Modernize apps with Spring Apps patterns to improve agility and speed of delivery.
  • Run Java at cloud scale and drive higher usage without complicated infrastructure.
  • Develop and deploy rapidly without containerization dependencies.
  • Monitor production workloads efficiently and effortlessly.
  • Run Java apps in Azure Spring Apps with the support of Java Spring Boot.

This module will help you to plan the migration of the PetClinic sample app to Azure. The Pet Clinic sample demonstrates the microservice architecture pattern and highlights the services. You'll see how services are deployed to Azure with Azure Spring Apps capabilities, including service discovery, config server, logs, metrics, and distributed tracing.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Explain the microservice architecture pattern and services of the lab starter branch of the GitHub repo hosting the Spring Petclinic application code and review the file.
  • Understand the infrastructure services hosted by Azure Spring Apps.
  • Understand the multiple microservices running the Petclinic sample application.
  • Plan the Azure services used for storing the data for the Petclinic sample application.
  • Recommend the right tools for connecting to Azure.


  • Intermediate-level familiarity with and local installations of the following tools: Git, Java JDK 8 or later, and a Java IDE or text editor.
  • Basic Git commands, including cloning, committing files, and pushing changes to GitHub.
  • Intermediate-level familiarity with Azure.


The instructions provided in this exercise assume that you've successfully completed the previous exercises and are using the same lab environment, including your Git Bash session with the relevant environment variables already set.

To download the instructions for this module, see Deploying and Running Java apps in Azure Spring Apps in GitHub.