Personalize your remote development workflow with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

In this module, you learn how to customize Visual Studio Code for remote development environments. We explore how to back up your Visual Studio Code configuration so that you get your own personalized experience no matter where you use Visual Studio Code. We also examine how to use profiles in Visual Studio Code to load custom development environments for various remote configurations and projects.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Turn on and configure Settings Sync in Visual Studio Code.
  • Load a personalized version of Visual Studio Code both locally and on the web.
  • Create profiles that are tailored for various projects and remote environments.
  • Combine multiple remote development environments for a customized development experience.


  • Basic understanding of remote development concepts in Visual Studio Code, including dev containers, Windows Subsystem for Linux, the Remote - SSH extension, and GitHub Codespaces