

Implementing a business process can be challenging because you typically need to make diverse services work together. Think about everything your company uses to store and process data: Salesforce, Microsoft 365, Oracle, Twitter, YouTube, Dropbox, Google services, Azure AI services, and so on. How do you integrate all these products? Azure Logic Apps gives you prebuilt components to connect to hundreds of services. You use a graphical design tool to put the pieces together in any combination you need, and Azure Logic Apps runs your process automatically in the cloud.

Suppose you work at an athletic shoe company that is launching a new product. You sell the shoes on your website, manage your cloud-hosted advertising videos, and monitor social media to gauge reactions to the launch. The following illustration shows these processes. Notice how the tasks include both customer-facing processes like direct sales and administrative tasks like autoarchiving old videos.

Diagram of three business processes for a fictitious shoe company: online sales to consumers, social-media analysis, and video asset management.

Diagram showing three business processes used by a fictional shoe-manufacturing company. The first process shows a typical flow for online sales including receiving a customer order, charging their credit card, and shipping the product. The second process shows the company monitoring and analyzing social-media postings about their products. The third process shows management of video assets by moving them to lower-cost storage as they get older.

Here, you see how Azure Logic Apps automates these types of business processes. You also learn a bit about how they work behind the scenes. The goal is to help you decide if Azure Logic Apps is a good choice for your business.

Learning objectives

In this module, you learn how to:

  • Evaluate whether Azure Logic Apps is appropriate to automate your business processes.
  • Describe how the components of a logic app work together to automate a business process.


  • Basic knowledge of programming concepts such as conditional logic and loops.
  • Basic knowledge of REST services and APIs.