Use Microsoft Copilot to create training materials

K-12 Educator
Business User
Higher Education Educator
Data Engineer
School Leader
Azure AI services
Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning designer
Microsoft 365 Apps
Azure Translator Text
Azure Translator Speech
Microsoft Copilot
Azure AI Language

This module focuses on practical demonstration of how Microsoft Copilot can serve as a training assistant. From content creation to helping you provide support to learners in various tasks such as writing a resume, working on professional growth, finding a new hobby, learning a new language, or even preparing for a test. The possibilities are vast and exciting with Microsoft Copilot.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Discover the primary purpose of using Microsoft Copilot in the creation of training materials, understanding that it is used to assist in various steps of material creation.
  • Critically evaluate the AI-generated content produced by Microsoft Copilot, reflecting on its relevance and accuracy to ensure the quality of the training materials.
  • Critique the process of using Microsoft Copilot for creating new training materials and tailor the process to your own personal needs.