Set up Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Security Engineer
Azure Arc
Azure Log Analytics
Azure Portal
Azure SQL Database
SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
Azure SQL Server on Virtual Machines
Azure Storage
Azure Storage Accounts
Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Windows Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Network
Microsoft Defender for Cloud

In this module, you'll learn how to implement Microsoft Defender for Cloud using the Azure portal, to strengthen security and threat detection in your Azure environment.

Learning objectives

By the end of this training module, participants will:

  • Understand the features and benefits of Microsoft Defender for Cloud, Microsoft Security Benchmark, Security Recommendations, and Defender for Cloud Secure Score.

  • Learn how to leverage these tools to monitor, protect, and improve the security of cloud environments.

  • Explore the MITRE Attack Matrix to identify common attack techniques and prioritize security efforts.

  • Understand the concept of Brute Force Attacks and the importance of implementing preventive measures.

  • Familiarize yourself with Just in Time Virtual Machine to implement fine-grained access controls for enhanced security.

