

Bots allow customers to interact with different computer applications by using text or speech. It might be a basic conversation. Or it might be a more complicated one, where different technologies and systems are integrated to deliver the desired result.

The Azure Health Bot service empowers healthcare organizations to build and deploy an AI-powered conversational healthcare experience at scale. The Health Bot service's built-in medical intelligence differentiates it from the Bot Framework and enables developers to use built-in scenarios or create custom scenarios to support their organization's clinical use cases.

The information that each instance of the Health Bot service handles is privacy protected to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards. It also meets Microsoft's high standards for privacy and security.

In this module, you'll take a look at Azure Health Bot and its capabilities. You'll then learn how businesses can use the service to build powerful health bots. No prior knowledge is required, so if you're a beginner, this module gets you started. If you know how a health bot works, this module ties the concepts together and fills in the gaps.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Learn what Azure Health Bot is.
  • Understand the key characteristics of Health Bot.
  • Determine whether Health Bot is the right solution for your business needs.

Produced in partnership with Rucha Yagnik and Christina Pardali - Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors and Microsoft Health Bot Product Group