Manage the analytics development lifecycle

Data Analyst
Power BI

This learning path introduces the foundational components of implementing lifecycle management techniques for Power BI assets. This learning path helps you prepare for the Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Certification.


You should have experience with:

  • Creating datasets and reports in Power BI Desktop.
  • Power BI workspaces.

Modules in this learning path

The use of OneDrive, Git repositories, and Power BI deployment pipelines allows us to follow application lifecycle management techniques. This reduces administrative overhead and provides continuity in the development process.

Deployment pipelines enable creators to develop and test Power BI content in the Power BI service before the content is made available for consumption by users. It offers creators improved productivity, faster delivery of content updates, and reduced manual work and errors. The tool is designed as a pipeline with three stages: development, test, and production.

Creating shared data assets for your analytics environment provides structure and consistency. Maintaining those assets is as important, and XMLA endpoint provides additional administrative capabilities.