Content Delivery Network

Fast, reliable content delivery network with global reach.


A content delivery network (CDN) is a distributed network of servers that can efficiently deliver web content to users. CDNs store cached content on edge servers that are close to end users to minimize latency.

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Date News
What is a staging site? A staging site, also called as a development site, testing site, or sandbox – is a clone of your actual WordPress website which cannot be accessed by your visitors. This...
We are thrilled to share with you that WordPress on App Service free hosting plan is now generally available.   A quick look at our hosting plans: Hosting Plan WebApp Server Database...
Azure App Service is pleased to announce general availability of the "Automatic Scaling" feature. We received important feedback about the Automatic Scaling feature during the preview phase and...
This is a step by step, no fluff guide to building and architecting cloud native applications. Cloud application development introduces unique challenges: applications are distributed, scale...
Estimating pricing is a crucial step for your business. It helps you plan your budget, forecast your expenses, compare different options, and optimize your cloud usage.   However, estimating...
As its definition says – “Azure Front Door is a global, scalable, and secure entry point for fast delivery of your web applications. It offers dynamic site acceleration, SSL offloading, domain...
Azure Front Door and Azure CDN Standard from Microsoft (classic) are postponing the domain fronting blocking enforcement to January 22, 2024, and will add two log fields to help you check if your...
Introduction Multi-cloud architecture, an advanced IT strategy that has been gaining popularity in the industry, involves utilizing multiple cloud computing services from various providers, such...
Azure Front Door supports the use of different values for the TLS SNI extension and the host header, provided that both values are added as domains in the same Azure subscription.
Azure Front Door Standard/Premium is the new Azure native, modern cloud content delivery network (CDN) catering to both dynamic and static content delivery acceleration with enhanced security and...
If you’ve ever engaged with training modules or explored the official documentation, it's highly likely that the material you utilized was written or co-authored by dedicated contributors. These...
If you have ever engaged with training modules or explored the official documentation, it's highly likely that the material you utilized was written or co-authored by dedicated contributors....
Azure Front Door Standard/Premium is the new Azure native, modern cloud content delivery network (CDN) catering to both dynamic and static content delivery acceleration with enhanced security and...
Azure Front Door Standard/Premium is the new Azure native, modern cloud content delivery network (CDN) catering to both dynamic and static content delivery acceleration with enhanced security and...