Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Fully managed, intelligent, and scalable PostgreSQL.


Learning Modules

Migrate to Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server
Published: 5/10/2024, Length: 0:59:00
Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server supports effective data migration from PostgreSQL servers. This module covers both online and offline migration methods and tools, helping you choose the right approach for your scenario. Learn practical techniques for managing migrations efficiently, ideal for minimizing downtime and maintaining productivity.
Configure and manage Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Published: 5/10/2024, Length: 0:46:00
Azure Database for PostgreSQL efficiently manages vast quantities of data and their structures through system catalogs and views. This module explores how to optimize database performance by accessing and configuring metadata, understanding the role of the vacuum process in maintaining database health, and managing server settings. We introduce practical techniques to enhance your PostgreSQL...
Extract insights using Azure AI Language and Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Published: 4/29/2024, Length: 0:22:00
Learn to extract insights using Azure AI Language and Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Summarize data with Azure AI Services and Azure database for PostgreSQL
Published: 4/29/2024, Length: 0:21:00
Learn to summarize data with Azure AI Services and Azure database for PostgreSQL.
Enable semantic search in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Published: 4/29/2024, Length: 0:24:00
Learn to enable semantic search in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Get started with generative AI in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Published: 4/26/2024, Length: 0:32:00
Use generative AI in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Perform sentiment analysis and opinion mining with Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Published: 4/26/2024, Length: 0:15:00
Learn how to perform sentiment analysis and opinion mining with Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Use Azure Machine Learning for inferencing from Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Published: 4/26/2024, Length: 0:14:00
Learn how to use Azure Machine Learning for inferencing from Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Translate Text with Azure AI Translator and Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Published: 4/26/2024, Length: 0:18:00
Learn how to translate Text with Azure AI Translator and Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Understand concurrency in PostgreSQL
Published: 5/17/2023, Length: 0:33:00
Azure Database for PostgreSQL is a multi-user relational database solution. The ability to support many concurrent users enables PostgreSQL databases to scale out and enable applications that support many users and locations at the same time. The increase in users brings a risk of conflicts and so it is important to understand the concurrency systems that are in place in Azure Database for...
Explore PostgreSQL architecture
Published: 5/17/2023, Length: 0:39:00
PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database system that is now available as a service in Azure. In this module you will learn about the PostgreSQL architecture, and how to manage different aspects of PostgreSQL in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Use system catalogs and system views in PostgreSQL
Published: 5/17/2023, Length: 0:36:00
Relational databases can store vast quantities of data, but they also need to hold information about the structure of that data. For an operational database management system (DBMS) information about the structure of tables, and all other objects, security, and concurrency, amongst many other settings and metrics, is required. This information is know as metadata and is stored in system...