AZ-400: Implement continuous feedback

DevOps Engineer
Security Engineer
Security Operations Analyst
Service Adoption Specialist
Solution Architect
Technology Manager
Azure Artifacts
Azure Boards
Azure Cloud Services
Azure DevOps
Azure Pipelines
Azure Repos
Azure Test Plans

This learning path introduces the continuous feedback concept and describes how to implement it in your DevOps cycle.



Modules in this learning path

This module introduces you to continuous feedback practices and tools to track usage and flow, such as Azure Logs Analytics, Kusto Query Language (KQL), and Application Insights.

This module explains steps to develop monitoring with Azure Dashboards, work with View Designer and Azure Monitor, and create Azure Monitor Workbooks. Also, explore tools to supports monitoring with Power BI.

This module describes how to share knowledge within teams, Azure DevOps Wikis, and integration with Azure Boards.

This module helps designing process to Application Insights, explores telemetry and monitoring tools and technologies.

This module examines alerts, blameless retrospectives and creates a just culture. It helps improving application performance, reducing meaningless and nonactionable alerts, and explains server response-time degradation.