Responsible use of artificial intelligence in education

K-12 Educator
Business User
Higher Education Educator
Data Engineer
School Leader
Azure AI services
Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning designer
Microsoft 365 Apps
Azure Translator Text
Azure Translator Speech
Microsoft Copilot
Azure AI Language

This learning path offers a journey through Microsoft’s Responsible AI framework, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations in AI development and application. You'll gain a foundational understanding of Microsoft’s approach to AI, which prioritizes fairness, reliability & safety, privacy & security, inclusiveness, transparency, accountability, and practical usage.



Modules in this learning path

This module provides an overview of Microsoft's Responsible AI Framework. You will explore the principles, guidelines, and standards that shape Microsoft's commitment to ethical and responsible AI development.

In this module, you will explore Microsoft's responsible AI principles, which include fairness, reliability & safety, privacy & security, transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability. This module is essential for anyone looking to implement or build an AI system responsibly for a learning environment.

This module offers an in-depth exploration of the Responsible AI framework, tailored for trainers, and educators seeking to implement AI ethically in their learning environments. You engage with interactive exercises that illustrate the application of responsible AI framework in scenarios like college training programs, enhancing your practical understanding.